Sunday 4 November 2012

Sam's First Pumpkin Pie

Sorry for the dry spell in posts recently, the start of the new term has been busy for both of us, so we've had to put our cooking hobby a little bit on the back burner for a while.
But when the holiday season came along, even we couldn't resist but rustle up something in the name of Halloween and Bonfire night. So in the end I snapped up a pumpkin at the market for a £2 bargain.
Sam helped to start off the carving and put in a bit of elbow grease in scooping out the flesh of the pumpkin as well.
Since we had a pumpkin, I thought we may as well make some pumpkin pie. So I just followed the basic recipe from Anthony Worral Thompson, except first I made some of my own sweet shortcrust pastry from scratch (mainly because I'm not a fan of shop bought sweet shortcrust pastry with all the hydrogenated fat and it allows me to add brown sugar and crushed pecans, for a boost of extra flavour and texture). So after blind baking, it looked like this:
After steaming and blending the pumpkin flesh, it was mixed with the eggs and cream:
After 35 minutes cooking, it looked pretty well risen, as if it was about to bubble over, but after leaving to cool like the recipe said, it collapsed back down. I decorated with with a few chocolate shapes to make it look more festive:
The pie turned out well and sturdy, with a good flavour in a way that a good traditional pumpkin pie should. It seemed to go down well with a fellow PhD friend who was excitedly trying out pumpkin pie for the first time. However, it didn't seem to be such a hit with Sam himself, who promptly left the remainder of the slice after trying only one spoonful:
Sam: "Urgh! It tastes like slime! I won't be eating that again in a hurry!" 2/10
Still, we cheered him up by putting a carving into the pumpkin of his favourite spy that's been popular in the cinemas lately :)
James Bond pumpkin
James Bond pumpkin-tastic!

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