Wednesday 15 February 2012

Sam's First Baklava

Next up was my first attempt to make a kataify or konafa style baklava. As some of you already know of my love of Greek/Middle Eastern food, and may even have tasted my previous attempts at baklava, you will not be surprised by this entry.
The thread-like pastry was a little tricky to handle, and the rolling up of the filling wasn't altogether even, but I think the result was overall pretty good though.

It passed the taste test from a couple of my Egyptian and Greek friends, and there was none left from the ones I brought in to the lab, so overall I think it was a reasonable success.
On the downside though, Sam was not too keen on it, protesting "I don't like shredded wheat. 2/10".
Oh well, more for those who like it!

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